Quality Control refers to the operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill the requirements for quality.

Quality assurance is the process of verifying or determining whether products or services meet or exceed customer expectations. Quality assurance is a process-driven approach with specific steps to help define and attain goals. This process considers design, development, production, and service.

The four quality assurance steps for the department stand for:

  • Plan: Establish objectives and processes required to deliver the desired quality results.
  • Do: Implement the process developed
  • Check: Monitor and evaluate the implemented process by testing the results against the predetermined objectives
  • Act: Apply actions necessary for improvement if the results require changes.

To incorporate these objectives various critical check points are introduced in the production flow process. These critical points are mentioned below.

  • Inspection of incoming raw material
  • Chemical testing of KL Alloy
  • Weight / Appearance Check for Grids
  • Lead Lumps Tests
  • Lead oxide composition checks
  • Paste Density / Temperature Checks
  • Pasted Plate/ Weight / moisture percentage
  • Cured Plate inspection
  • Finished Plate Inspection
  • Inspection of Container, Lid, Vent Plug, Separator, Packing Material, Small Parts
  • Electrical Tests and Inspection of Finished Product.